Home / Health News / 1st Known U.S. Case Of New Variant Of Coronavirus Is Spotted In Colorado

1st Known U.S. Case of New Variant of Coronavirus Is Spotted in Colorado

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 30, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- The first recorded case of a faster-spreading variant of the new coronavirus has been detected in a 20-year-old man in Colorado, Gov. Jared Polis said Tuesday.

The young man carries a variant of the virus that is thought to be more contagious -- but not more lethal -- than variants previously circulating globally this year.

The rapid spread of the new variant within Britain has caused a virtual shutdown there, with many countries banning or restricting flights from the United Kingdom. Many scientists in the United States have assumed that the novel variant is already circulating among Americans.

The Colorado man has no history of recent travel, state health officials said, and is currently under isolation southeast of Denver in Elbert County, The New York Times reported.

According to the Times, Colorado Politics said that the Elbert County director of public health has also reported a second suspected case of the new variant in the state.

Both cases were found in people who worked in the county but did not live there -- raising the odds of statewide spread, the Times said.

The detection of the more contagious form of coronavirus adds urgency to efforts already underway to vaccinate Americans. In a news release, Colorado health officials reiterated that vaccines already in use should be just as effective against the new variant of the virus.

However, "now I'm worried there will be another spring wave due to the variant," scientist Trevor Bedford, who studies the coronavirus at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, told the Times. "It's a race with the vaccine, but now the virus has just gotten a little bit faster."

Another COVID-19 vaccine enters final trials

In other news, vaccine maker Novavax, along with federal health researchers, announced Monday that a phase 3 trial will begin on the safety and effectiveness of another COVID-19 vaccine -- the fifth shot to reach this final stage of development.

"We've come this far, this fast, but we need to get to the finish line," Dr. Francis Collins, director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), said in an NIH statement.

Novavax will enroll 30,000 people from 115 testing sites across the United States and Mexico, and testing is already underway in Britain. The vaccine -- which right now is known as NVX-CoV2373 -- comes in two doses and is designed to enhance the body's immune response to the coronavirus' distinctive spike protein.

The Novavax shot is somewhat different from approved vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, in that it manufactures its own antigens that mimic the coronavirus' spike protein. However, these antigens "cannot replicate and cannot cause COVID-19," the NIH said in the statement.

If phase 3 trials prove the Novavax vaccine to be safe and effective, the shot has one big advantage over the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines: It needs only standard refrigeration, not the freezing or ultra-cold temperature storage required by the first two vaccines.

According to CBS News, two other pharmaceutical companies, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen and AstraZeneca, also have phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials underway in the United States.

Uptick in vaccine acceptance

When queried in polls conducted earlier this year, only about half of American adults said they planned to get any vaccine against the new coronavirus. But after a largely successful rollout this month of two safe and effective shots, many of those initial doubters now say they'll line up to get their vaccine doses when their turn comes.

According to the Times, polls conducted by Gallup, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Pew Research Center all show vaccine acceptance rates rising from about 50% this summer to more than 60% and, in one poll, 73%.

That last number approaches the threshold scientists have deemed necessary for herd immunity, where enough of a population is immune and the spread of the coronavirus begins to recede.

"As soon as it is my turn to get the vaccine, I will be there front and center! I am very excited and hopeful," Joanne Barnes, 68, a retired elementary school teacher from Fairbanks, Alaska, told the Times.

Earlier this summer, Barnes had told the paper the opposite; that she would not get the shot. The game-changers for her, Barnes said, were "the Biden administration, returning to listening to science and the fantastic stats associated with the vaccines."

With more than 19 million COVID-19 cases in the United States by Wednesday and more than 338,000 Americans now killed by the disease, more people than ever have now been personally affected by the new coronavirus. That harsh reality might also be driving some to reconsider getting the shot.

"More people have either been affected or infected by COVID," Rupali Limaye, an expert on vaccine behavior at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, told the Times. "They know someone who had a severe case or died. They are fatigued and want to get back to their normal lives."

Media campaigns, including on-camera moments with politicians and scientists -- such as Vice President Mike Pence, President-Elect Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci -- all rolling up their sleeves for the shots may have also helped boost acceptance.

Still, large pockets of skepticism and resistance to vaccination remain. According to the Times, mistrust of the vaccine is higher among Blacks than whites, among Republicans compared to Democrats, and among people living in rural areas versus those in cities.

Still, resistance is fading slowly among most groups, the Times said.

One Black American, Mike Brown, runs a barbershop in Hyattsville, Md. This summer he said he wouldn't get any COVID-19 vaccine, but has since changed his mind.

"The news that it was 95% effective sold me," Brown told the Times. "The side effects sound like what you get after a bad night of drinking and you hurt the next day. Well, I've had many of those and I can deal with that to get rid of the face masks."

A global scourge

By Wednesday, the U.S. coronavirus case count passed 19.5 million while the death toll neared 339,000, according to a Times tally. On Wednesday, the top five states for coronavirus infections were: California with more than 2.2 million cases; Texas with over 1.7 million cases; Florida with almost 1.3 million cases; Illinois with over 950,000 cases; and New York with over 950,000 cases.

Curbing the spread of the coronavirus in the rest of the world remains challenging.

In India, the coronavirus case count was over 10.2 million on Wednesday, a Johns Hopkins University tally showed. Brazil had over 7.5 million cases and over 192,000 deaths as of Wednesday, the Hopkins tally showed.

Worldwide, the number of reported infections passed 82 million on Wednesday, with nearly 1.8 million deaths recorded, according to the Hopkins tally.

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more on the new coronavirus.

SOURCES: Washington Post; The New York Times

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