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Health Tip: Prevent Temper Tantrums

(HealthDay News) -- Temper tantrums are a way of getting attention and expressing displeasure among younger kids who can't express their needs or control their emotions, the U.S. National Library of Medicine says.

Tantrums tend to be worst between ages 2 and 3, and rarely occur after age 4. Being tired, hungry or sick can make them worse, the agency says.

Here are its suggestions for reducing the likelihood of a tantrum:

  • Use an upbeat tone when asking your child to do something. This helps make your request sound like an invitation, instead of an order.
  • Pick your battles, and don't fight over things that aren't important. Make safety a priority for creating rules, such as not touching a hot stove, keeping the car seat buckled and not playing in the street.
  • Offer choices to make your child feel more empowered.
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