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Health Tip: Travel Suggestions For Your Eyes

(HealthDay News) -- Don't forget to think of your eyes while you're traveling, the American Academy of Ophthalmology says.

Here are the academy's suggestions while you're on the road, either for business or pleasure:

  • Bring an extra pair of glasses and contact lenses.
  • If you have an emergency, do not put off seeing an eye specialist until you get home. Untreated issues such as infection can cause long-term damage.
  • Prepare for dry eyes on a plane with over-the-counter eye drops.
  • Never use water to clean contact lenses.
  • If you use prescription eye drops, travel with an extra, unopened bottle.
  • If you notice significant changes in your vision, see a doctor. Changes in vision can signal issues such as a retinal detachment, a hypertensive crisis, a stroke or out-of-control diabetes.
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