Shoulder Impingement in the Workplace

Shoulder impingement is a common source of shoulder pain. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome can be a common Workers’ Comp claim for some categories of workers, as cited by Susan Jordan, MD, OrthoAtlanta orthopedic surgeon. A thorough physical examination by a trained orthopedic specialist will identify shoulder disorders and appropriate treatment. The physician examination will include an evaluation of the range of motion as the patient moves their arm in several different directions and test arm strength. Because shoulder pain can also be caused by neck or spine conditions, such as a pinched nerve, this will also be considered during a thorough exam.
Activities that require repeated overhead arm movements can bring an injury to the shoulder that irritate and cause inflammation. Dynamic instability (loosening) of the shoulder can be caused over time by repetitive overhead activity, trauma, or poor posture causing the rotator cuff to work harder, causing injury. Workers who repeatedly lift heavy boxes or materials over their heads or perform work activities above their heads, such as painters, carpenters and construction workers, are at risk for shoulder impingement syndrome. It can also result from a shoulder injury such as an automobile accident, or serious fall.
OrthoAtlanta orthopedic and sports medicine specialists is conveniently located across the greater Atlanta, Georgia, with 14 offices across the metro area. Physicians and staff can provide expertise for work injuries. The practice includes dedicated workers’ compensation coordinators and on-site physical therapy facilities to serve you.