The Top 5 Causes of Tennis Elbow

A balanced exercise program is good for your overall health. Newer workout programs today will cycle cardio, strength training, and yoga throughout the week to avoid overworking any one muscle group.
Muscles are meant to be worked, but not overused. One medical condition caused by overuse of the forearm muscles is called, “tennis elbow.” Ironically, it’s possible to receive this diagnosis without ever having picked up a tennis racket. There are many reasons you may experience inflammation in the muscles of your forearm that can lead to tennis elbow in Atlanta.
Consider the top five general causes of tennis elbow.
Repetitive Gripping Activities
This is a broad category of potential causes. Historically it’s included activities and occupations that involve repeated use of a muscle.
- Landscaping
The grip-action of hedge clipping, raking, hand-weeding, and even holding a small power tool stable over time can cause elbow tendonitis in Atlanta.
- Painting
Full-time painters often complain of pain radiating from the
elbow. Their days are full of repetitive wrist and elbow action as they scrape,
prime, and re-paint surfaces.
- Construction
Hired laborers on a construction site spend hours hammering, using screwdrivers, and handsaws.

This injury is aptly named, for tennis players make up the majority of athletes who develop elbow injury in Atlanta. Baseball, basketball, and volleyball players can fall victim to tennis elbow or elbow tendonitis, too, if they’re not careful about using the correct form. The injury worsens over time if you continue to use the muscle incorrectly.
Hobbies are meant to be relaxing, but some of the most trending hobbies of the 2010’s can cause more stress than calm:
- Knitting
- Crocheting
- Tatting
These project-based crafts have recently become a popular pastime. The repetitive motion involved can be a double whammy to your forearm muscles, as you’re simultaneously rotating and flexing. The result can often be an elbow tendonitis condition in Atlanta.
The Workplace
Whatever you do for work, chances are the great majority of it is computer based. Small muscle injuries aren’t exclusive to front-desk secretaries. Pay attention to how much you’re typing in a day and how you move your wrist when manipulating the touch-pad or the hand-driven mouse.
The primary cause of tennis elbow is defined as, “repetitive gripping activities, especially if they use the thumb and first two fingers.”
For most, the act of holding a smartphone while simultaneously manipulating the screen is routine. It’s also causing you a great deal of potential pain, as you’re asking muscles to work incorrectly all-day long.
If you have pain in your elbow that radiates down your arm, you may have tennis elbow in Atlanta. See a doctor to determine the repetitive action from your daily life that’s causing the discomfort.