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Health Highlights: Aug. 25, 2021

By Robin Foster and Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporters

Here are some of HealthDay's top stories for Wednesday, Aug. 25:

Research shows COVID vaccines still shield against severe illness. Even as the highly contagious Delta variant dominates, two new studies show that while COVID vaccines' effectiveness against infection has waned, they still offer strong protection against severe illness. Read more

Data shows big benefit from J&J COVID vaccine booster. A new study reported Wednesday by Johnson & Johnson finds that a booster shot of its single-dose vaccine "further increases antibody responses" against the new coronavirus. Read more

Enlarged prostate won't raise a man's odds for cancer. Benign prostatic hyperplasia -- commonly called enlarged prostate -- hits many older men, and some may worry that it's a precursor to prostate cancer. But new research shows that's not so, and the condition is even tied to a slight lowering of risk. Read more

Starting exercise late in life is still heart-healthy. Long-term couch potatoes, take heart: Even if your first try at regular exercise begins after 60, getting active can still be of great benefit to cardiovascular health, new research shows. Read more

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